Tribute: Tengai / Sengoku Blade
Sengoku Blade, also popularly known as Tengai, is an horizontal-scrolling shoot’em up game produced by Psikyo and originally released in Japanese arcades in 1996 as a sequel to Sengoku Ace (1993).
Tengai sets in an imaginative and futuristic version of feudal Japan featuring traditional ninjas, demons and magic steam-powered machinery with steam-driven weapons. On gameplay, you can chose five playable characters and two ones who are hidden initially. In addition, game has items include a power-up to increase weapon power level, bombs, and bonus coins to increase score.
Group Name: Instinct Games
- Management: Carlos Peña
- Art/Design: Gerard Berenguer
- Code: Gerard Clotet
- QA: Alexandru Cercel
Original game
Our project game
Link to download
Unzip the release folder and execute the Tengai.exe file
Control list:
[Escape]: To exit game
Keyboard Input
Player 1 :
[W]: Up [A]: Left [S]: Down [D]: Right
[SPACE]: Shoot [Z]: Charged Shoot
Player 2:
[I]: Up [J]: Left [K]: Down [L]: Right
[Y]: Shoot [X]: Charged Shoot
Controller Input:
Controller 1:
[Start]: Start the game [Select]: Exit the game at any moment [Dpad]: Movment
[A]: Shooting [B]: Charged Shot [Y]: Ultimate
Controller 2:
[Start]: Start the game [Start] (on Character Selector): JOIN 2ND PLAYER [Select]: Exit the game at any moment (Player 2 can not exit the game) [Dpad]: Movment
[A]: Shooting [B]: Charged Shot [Y]: Ultimate
Debug Keys:
[P]: +1 powerup to Katana [O]: -1 powerup of katana
[T]: +1 powerup to Ayin [R]: -1 powerup of Ayin
[F1]: Show coliders [F5]: GOD MODE [F5] (From Welcome Screen): Direct Lose Screen [F7]: Direct Win Screen
Data Releases
- Inlcudes playable character
- Main screen
- Water scene
- Audio
- Parallax
- Inlcudes
- Projectiles
- Player animation
- Background animation
- Fx sound
- Includes
- Score
- Win & loose condition
- Colliders
- Player2
- PowerUps
- Enemies
- Game loop
- Scroll background with game speeds
- Fix animations (at least the first)
- Implementation of katana (motion animation)
- Fix power-ups
- Fullscreen + gamepads
- ClearStage
- Power down and dead animations
- Katana power ups implementation (2-4)/pet (new animations and shoots)
- Ayin implementation (motion animation)
- Improve the level with animations of the textures (ex: falling rocks)
- Fix UI = life, power-ups, insert coins…
- Improve level (visual details)
- Enemies implementation (all but the bosses) / move and speed / explosion upon death / shoots / life / highlight
- Power-ups Ayin implementation (2-4)/pet (new animations and shoots)
- Add power-ups + ulti of the character
- Improve UI
- GameOver screen
- Audio implementation
- Bosses impementation (changes in background speeds)/ life / shoots
- Improve power-ups/pet of the characters
- Improve ulti of the character
- Events from the beginning of the level and the end of the level
- Scene changes: menu screen / stage clear
- Improve bosses
- Check that everything works: god mode, colliders, gamepads, fullscreen…
- Fix bugs after testing